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Visiting Europe? looking for a roadtrip idea or simply looking for information about a specific place ?

You are at the right place!
Below you will find a list of places and roadtrips i reviewed! Because some trips have been done many years back, i did not have them all listed here. However, you can have a look at my Trip map and ask me questions directly about specific place!

Have fun reading! any feedback is welcome!

  • Road trip to Italy: Como, Garda Lake, Bergamo and San Pelegrino
    We left from Neuchâtel (Switzerland) quite early in the morning and drove all the way down to Ticino. The main idea was to go up Fiore di Pietra and have a look at that particular architecture. However, the weather was soo bad that we end up at IKEA. Nevertheless, I recommend to check that place…
  • Milos, the pirates island
    The day started off at 6 am in Switzerland. We took the airplane in Gevena and flew with Aegen to Athen. The airport was quite empty compared to 2019 but still more busy than early 2020. In Athen you can be randomly picked for a PCR test prior to luggage claim.  After recovering our bags…
  • Fabulous German castles and where to find them
    Somehow we always tend to talk about France and the beautiful castles that you can find there. Being a big fan of castles, I visited quite a few there and more precisely the ones around Versailles. Yet, when you look around, you will quickly realize that a lot of places actually have castles that will…
  • On the tracks of Germany’s Castle and Wine Fields – The Mosel River
    Total Duration: 4,5 days, 4 nights As you probably know from my Instagram, I’m a big fan of castles and waterfalls. Somehow, these two kept fascinating me. As a kid, I grew this fascination from my history classes. I came to hear of that place in Germany where you simply “walk” from castle to castle.…
  • Road trip through Romania’s Transylvania and the land of Dracula
    Bit less than a week trip so we tightly packed and planed ahead to get the most out of it. We also decided to skip Bucharest, the capital, as we were less interested in cities. Budget: 313 CHF  for all food/hotel/car (flight not included) Detailed Trip (hotel, restaurants, tours, prices): The plan I’m about to…