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Gorges du Trient and Gorge du Triège

You have half a day in the area but still are looking for an activity involving mountains, water and waterfalls?

These two options, while not next to each other, can be easily combined if you are by car.

While Gorges du Triège is free, Gorges du trient costs 8 CHF per adult and a bit less for children.

Both will take you around 20 minutes to visit.

Gorges du Triège is more kind of a free walk along the waterfalls upwards of the river and makes you climb several stairs upwards.  While the hike isn’t difficult, it still requires good shoes and good care as the floor is slippery and some sections quite narrow (watch your head!)

Alternatively, Gorges du Trient is a pretty simple walk along the gorges. The gorge itself is quite large and impressive but will take you 10 minutes at most to reach the end. It can be done with kids and strollers very easily.

Both combined will give you two different perspectives of that river that flows down from Emosson and powers part of the swiss railroads!

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